מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

The Harima of My grandmother

דניאלה עם סבתא דינה
My grandmother in her youth
סיפורה של סבתא דינה חיים

My grandmother's name is Dina. The photo was taken in 1958, The photo was taken in the house’s yard in Gani Zvi, which is my grandmother's cildhood house. My grandmother in the photo is three years old, with her mother and her uncle.


תמונה 1

My grandmother wears a dress with a collar, her uncle wears a button-down shirt and jeans with a belt, and my great grandmother wears a floral dress and a headband.

My great grandmother's name is Naomi and her uncle's name is Yehiel. My grandmother, her mother and her uncle are standing and smiling, my great grandmother is holding my grandmother's hand and shoulder and my grandmother's uncle is holding her hand.

I chose this picture because I was interested in knowing who the people in the picture are, with my grandmother.

My grandmother as a child (baby).

My Grandmother's/ Grandfather's Favorite Dish

The dish is called Harima, it is from the Tripolitanian community.

The Harima of My grandmother

תמונה 2

My grandmother has been making the dish for forty years, since she knew my grandfather. Harima is a spicy fish that is also fur. Harima has a spicy and spicy smell. My grandmother prepares the Harima every two weeks on Friday. My grandmother prepares everything herself and I rarely take part in the preparation. When I see my grandmother preparing the Harima, I am curious how it is prepared.How long does it take?

My grandmother feels proud that she manages to persevere and prepare the Harima every two weeks for forty years and everyone enjoys the taste. Even when guests come, they are just waiting to taste my grandmother's Harima.

The Recipe:






Ground caraway

Tomato paste



spicy paprika


Crush garlic and fry it with a little oil.

Add spicy paprika and half a cup of water.

Add the tomato paste and spices and cook for half an hour.

Add the fish and cook for another quarter of an hour.


 My Grandmother’s school

My grandmother used to study in a religious community school, in Ganey Zvi. They studied common subjects, such as: mathematics, Torah, Geography, home economics and more. In the class of Home economics, they learned to cook things like dips and salad.

There were not so many rules in the school where she studied, yet, those who didn't behave well got a punishment (struck with a ruler on the fingers, only by one teacher). The relationship with the teachers was difficult and scary.

My grandmother had trips to Ashdod to "Givat Yona" where they explained what this place was and the story of Yona the prophet. On the trip that my grandmother took to Ashdod, they brought sandwiches for lunch.

My grandmother had a school uniform and was as follows:

–      For boys: a light blue shirt with a symbol that says community religious school.

–      For girls: a pink or purple colored shirt with a symbol that says community religious school on it, and skirt.

Every day at 7:20am, the school students would pray separately for boys and girls and then at eight o'clock class would start. My grandmother's favorite teacher was Neta because Neta was my grandmother's very own class teacher. It's different from my school today, because I don't pray at school in the morning, I don't study home economics and I'm not in a religious school. It is similar to my school today because I also study math, literature, Torah and more.

הזוית האישית

סבתא דינה: מאוד נהנתי לעבוד עם נכדתי, לדבר ולספר לה דברים על ילדותי.

הנכדה דניאלה: מאוד נהנתי לשמוע על הסיפורים של סבתי וכמה פעם והיום שונים.

I learned a lot about my grandmother's childhood, things I didn't know before and was happy to find out. I found the project thanks to my English teacher who brought us the project as root research. I learned a lot of new things about my grandmother during the project such as: where she was born and more. I am very satisfied with the result because I feel that I worked hard.


a spicy Tripolitanian dish with fish with a lot of garlic.


”My grandmother has been making the dish for forty years, since she knew my grandfather”.“

הקשר הרב דורי